Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Learn French Language ?

First of all....
I'm gonna be totally bias on this, I love learning languages and French was my first language of choice.... I completely love the language :)

But hey....
What's in it for you ?

1. If you love Design, Photography, Fashion, Arts, Architecture, Music, etc.
Then French is the language for you
2. If you love food and desserts and cheese and wine...
yup.... French is also the language for you :)
3. Oh and if you love travelling........ uhuh... still French :)
4. what's dat ? you love shopping ? .... helloowww....
There are so many reasons to learn French, really.

5. and if you love showing off in another language
(yes... deep down, we're all snobs :p)

and you love sticking out your lips while talking.... then.... you should learn french.... and it's so much fun learning to pronounce those french words.

Yes... you can survive in France without speaking a single word of French.
but hey.... trust me... everything will be so much easier if you speak the language :)

So, what do you do in France ?
You may want to visit Chopin while you're in Paris....
yes... in the cemetery
People still do visit and flowers are everywhere.
you can visit Edith Piah, Jim Morrison, Chopin etc :D
It's quite beautiful,
but I don't recommend visiting in the late afternoon towards closing hour....;p

And of course.... Paris Disneyland
You can take a train there... but be sure to pay for the train ticket
otherwise you may get fined.
I speak from experience *d'0h*
bye bye 25 Euros *sob*
I think during the summer / holidays, they're open till 11 pm and they have parades and fireworks at night.

or go visit Louvre - yes the Museum....
even if you don't like Museums.... just take a peek inside and get lost inside ;p
I love Musée d'Orsay because it has all the paintings that I love from Degas, Monet, Van Gogh, Seurat, etc.

then just stroll around Avenue des Champs-Élysées,
sit in one of the cafe and chill
or go to Ladurée there and have the macarons
Seriously....... they're really really good.....
They're not like one of those macarons at the malls that are too sweet and tastes so artificial.
This is really good....
or try Pierre Hermé's macarons at rue Bonaparte
oh my........ *drooling*

Here are some of my "collections" that I got from Ladurée (the small ones) that I moved into a plastic container to put in the fridge... yes classy I know.
and the bigger ones at the back is from Pierre Hermé
mmmmm.......... :)

Ok.... so learn French :)
oh....but I think Italian coffee is still way much better than French coffee :)

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